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Livestock Asia Expo and Forum 2015 Technical Seminar (Broiler) part 1

Dear All Farmers,

Livestock Asia Expo and Forum 2015 Technical Seminar (Broiler) which will be held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

This seminar is value added that provides unique opportunity for farmers to discuss and obtain effective solution related to farm operation with professional and experts.

Seminar Topics:

1. Minimum Ventilation and Tunnel Ventilation , a comparative study for broilers

2. Prudent drug usage

3. Salmonella enteritidis: control and eradication

4. Latest update on feed raw materials and impact of Mycotoxins to broiler production

5. Novel approach to farm productivity- fly control and food safety

Date : 23rd September 2015 / Wednesday
Time : 8.30am – 1.00pm
Venue : Seminar Room 2 Hall 4 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Admission : Free Admission (seat are limited, based on first come first serve basis)

If you are interested to participate in our seminar, kindly fill in and submit form attached before Dateline:

15th September 2015


Topic 2:

Topic 3: