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Dated: 02 January 2015

Background Information

At the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Majlis Latihan Pertanian Negara (National Agriculture Training Council, NATC) is responsible for the traning of young Malaysian and school leavers in the field of agriculture and we are pleased to inform that FLFAM is a permanent committee member of the National Agriculture Training Council, NATC.

The NATC College provide training in the field of agriculture, fisheries and livestock at certificate level and much of the training emphasize on actual practical training in commercial agriculture entity.

Over the years, training for the NATC College students have been provided by agriculture cooperatives, commercial agriculture/fisheries farms, agriculture product processing plants and government training agencies including MARDI (Malaysian Agriculture Development Institute).

To date, our commercial poultry sector has not provided any significant training opportunities in the poultry and poultry product sector for the NATC trainees.

Opportunity for the Our Poultry Sector to Participate in the NATC Training Program

In view of our self sufficiency in poultry production, modern farming system, high standards of down stream poultry product manufacturing and net exporter of poultry and poultry products, FLFAM takes this opportunity to propose to participate in the NATC student training program.

The participation in the NATC training program is a voluntary program for our livestock industry players and in accordance to the NATC syllabus. The officers at NATC shall work closely with livestock organizations that are keen to participate in the training program and FLFAM shall play a pivotal role to facilitate the success of this training program.

Benefits of the Training Program

The benefits of the training program includes the following,

1. Provide interest in livestock and livestock product manufacturing sector and job opportunities for young Malaysians

2. Certain tax incentive provided by government of Malaysia

3. Training allowance will paid by NATC to the participating livestock and livestock products organization

4. Possible recruitment of NATC trainees to be employed at our processing plants and farms after NATC graduation

Initiation of the Training Program in Livestock and Livestock Products Sector

Officers from the National Agriculture Training Council, NATC will provide briefing sessions to livestock and livestock products organizations that are keen to participate in the program. This shall be followed by training syllabus development based on the NATC requirements.


FLFAM anticipates a gradual participation in the NATC training programespecially for the modern poultry farms and livestock products processing plants.

Members of FLFAM who are interested to know more about the NATC training program, please register with our FLFAM Secretariat.