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November talk for poultry – ND disease control

Equilibrium to the Malaysian Poultry Industries

Whereas Malaysian poultry industry faces countless impact in the form of disease challenge to the industry, the country is similarly boxed into a corner from inward assault of cheap poultry & poultry meat imports. The Federation Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia (FLFAM) knows the serious consequence of inward flow of imports into the nation. The industry as a whole and individual company in part could not get any clearance for our poultry & poultry products for export into the valuable niche markets of European Union and many other countries for its failure to meet sanitary- phyto sanitation SPS protection rule. The decades old Newcastle disease or Penyakit sampar ayam endemic to the country has caused untold miseries to our industry in terms economic losses; not mentioning this scourge is one of the main reasons our produce is not acceptable under the affluent nations’ SPS rule.

Malaysia opened her door for Brazilian poultry & poultry meat imports for almost a decade. That country has since made a serious impact into our industry. Brazil with her low-cost poultry production centres has made an impressive impact to the world. We have may questions to ask. Is ND endemic to Brazil in part or South America as a whole? If these countries in South American escape the scourge of ND, how do they manage to prevent it from entering? If ND is endemic, how do they control the disease? How, why, and when?

FLFAM is proud to work with Hipra Malaysia & Yenher Agro-product Sdn Bhd in getting two passers-by veterinarians, we believe with sufficient credentials to share and relate their experiences on the subject. They have two messages for us. Do we want to take some time off to listen to them? Let us challenge &equip ourselves with more international knowledge on any subject related to our industry if such opportunity comes along. The three- hour discourse is free of charge; a form of obligation FLFAM hopes to fulfil in return for the farming community’s support over the years.

Date: 21 November 2017 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Venue: FLFAM’s Premises, Subang Jaya.
Registration Fee: FOC (sponsor lunch provided)

CPD Points: 12


  1. Newcastle Disease control experience from South America – Dr Francisco Dias (Brazil)
  2. Importance of supplement in commercial chickens – Dr Jorge Villa (Spain)

Seats are limited 50 participants (first priority for farmers) on the basis of first come first serve. Why don’t we send our relevant personnel to this talk to assist our companies in moving forward?

Curricula vitae*

  1. Dr Francisco Dias – veterinarian by profession, worked in BRF, as a consultant and currently attached to Hipra Group
  2. Jorge Villa – veterinarian by profession, worked as field veterinarian and currently attached to Hipra Group.

*The CV is intentional kept brief to stimulate your appetites to attend these talks.