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Launching World Egg Day in conjunction with Livestock Asia 2015 世界鸡蛋日推介礼

UBM Malaysia will be organizing “World Egg Day together with Livestock Farmers Associations of Malaysia (FLFAM) with sharing some objectives of The International Egg Commission, World Egg Day is to bring awareness about the nutritional benefits of eggs and getting consumers thinking about how eggs can play an important role in feeding people around the world. The event will be held in conjunction with Livestock Asia 2015.

The Layer Unit, Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia cordially invites all of you attend the launching ceremony of World Egg Day by Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Seri Ahmand Shabery Cheek, Minister of Agriculture & Agro Based Industry Malaysia. Local well known nutritionist Dr Lim Ju Boo will share his view on “Egg Nutrition and Benefits” with us during the event. Kindly support and attend the event.

UBM 与禽总蛋鸡组联办世界鸡蛋日,分享国际鸡蛋委员会之世界鸡蛋日的目标,主要是提醒人们对食用鸡蛋的营养价值及让消费者了解鸡蛋如何发挥它重要的角色。这项节日将提早在2015年亚洲禽畜业展览同期举行。

马来西亚禽畜业联合总会-蛋鸡组诚意邀请您出席及支持本组协办之“世界鸡蛋日”推介礼,主办当局已邀请农业及农基工业部部长主持推介礼。当天还邀请本地著名营养师Dr Lim Ju Boo 分享他对鸡蛋之营养和益处。请踊跃参加。

World Egg Day Program

Date: 21st September 2015( Monday)
Time: 10.30am
Venue: World Egg Day Stage, Hall 4, KLCC

21 September 2015 ( Monday)

10.30am –11.00am


(Premium gift to be given out to Guest and Media)

11.00am – 11.15am


Welcoming Address

FLFAM Layer Unit Deputy Chairman

11.15am – 11.35am

Opening Gimmick by

YB. Dato’ Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek

Minister of Agriculture & Agro Based industry Malaysia


11.35am – 11.45amPresentation of Token of Appreciation and Photo Session
11.45am – 12.15am

World Egg Day Presentation – Egg Nutrition and Benefits (see attached)

Dr Lim Ju Boo

12.15am – 12.45pm

Press Conference


12.45pm – 2.30pm

Break / Visit Exhibition


2.30pm – 4.00pm

Cooking Demonstration



End of Program


Dr Lim Ju Boo’s presentation recorder link:”iHfGhVPAHSU&