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FLFAM Bird Flu Seminar

FLFAM Bird Flu Seminar

Seminar Topic: Keeping Bird Flu out of your farm
Date and time: Monday 3 December, 2018
9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Ramada Plaza Hotel, Melaka.

Organiser: Federation of Livestock Farmers Associations Malaysia and Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia

Co-organiser: MFA, MAHNIA and UBM

Who should attend: Poultry farmers, veterinarians and extension officers in the industry and government agencies (DVS) and universities.

Seminar fees:
A) Free for all farmers, first comefirst served.
B) Invitation DVS Veterinarians
C) Industry ( feed miller and pharmaceutical company)
C1) with donation RM3000 per company (6 free seats and a counter)
C2) with donation RM1000 per company (2 free seats in the seminar)
D) Individual vets and other experts — RM250 per person


Malaysia has been fortunate that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) had not entered commercial poultry farms. Previous outbreaks of HPAI had been confined to village chicken and were quickly stamped out by the veterinary authorities. An outbreak of the disease in commercial poultry farms will have more devastating and widespread effects. As with the experience in many other countries an HPAI outbreak in a commercial farm often prompt farmers to quickly dispose of their stock before heavy mortalities set in. If this happen here, it will result in rapid spread of the disease given the wide poultry marketing networks and the immunologically HPAI naïve poultry population in the country. An outbreak of HPAI in the commercial poultry farms in Malaysia will lead to heavy financial losses from the mortalities, loss of consumer confidence in poultry consumption and loss of export earnings.

Malaysia is surrounded and has close rapport with countries in the region that are either endemic with the disease such as Indonesia, Vietnam and China or have sporadic outbreaks such as in Thailand, Cambodia and Bangladesh. Many foreign workers from Indonesia and Bangladesh are working in our poultry farms. The country is also importing uncooked poultry products from China and Thailand. Hence the risk of HPAI happening in this country is always there. The recent LPAI outbreak in three farms in Negeri Sembilan is of concern on the vulnerability of the present preventive measures against the entry of bird flu into the commercial farms.

Therefore it is important that a more concerted effort be made to prevent the entry and spread of the disease in commercial poultry farms. More advocacy on the steps that are required to prevent and control the disease from entry, establishment and spread of the disease in commercial poultry farms, are urgently needed.

Objectives of Seminar

Information dissemination on the latest epidemiological situation of HPAI in the region. The policies, legislations, strategies and measures that are available in the country to reduce the risk of HPAI from entry, establishment and spread from commercial poultry farms in the country will be presented and discussed.


8.30 – 9.00 Registration

9.00 – 9.15 Welcome Address by President of FLFAM

9.15 – 9.30 Opening Address by YBhg. Dato’ Dr Quaza Nizamuddin bin Hassan Nizam, Director General, Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia

Plenary Session 1: Aetiology of Bird Flu and sharing regional experience

09.30 – 10.00 What is Bird Flu?

A synopsis on the various types of bird flu (avian influenza) and their genesis, mode of transmission and entry into a poultry farm and flock.

Speaker: Dr Michael Lee

10.00 – 10.30 Occurrence of avian influenza, Regional Perspectives

A synopsis on the occurrence of avian influenza in countries that pose a threat to Malaysian poultry farms, especially from China and Southeast Asian countries.

Speaker: Dr Ong Bee Lee

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 11.30 Compartmentalisation as a way forward for risk mitigation on bird flu.

A discussion on the concept of compartmentalisation as a strategy trust for risk mitigation on bird flu.
Speaker: tba (propose international speaker from Thailand)

11.30 – 12.00 Prevention and management of Low pathogenic Avian Influenza infection: Practical experiences from countries with epidemic LPAI
Speaker: Dr Chai Yew Fai, Poultry Consultant

12.00 – 12.30 Panel Discussion I followed by Q & A

(Lessons learned from regional experiences)
Panelists: Speakers from Plenary Session 1

Moderator: Dr Yap Teow Chong, Technical Consultant, FLFAM

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

Plenary Session II: Bird Flu in Malaysia, experiences to-date and Planning Ahead

13.30 – 14.00 Bird flu outbreaks in Malaysia

A short review of the bird flu outbreaks in Malaysia and the control measures taken by the veterinary authorities

Speaker: Dr Rozanah Asmah bt Abd Samad, Zooka, DVS

14.00 – 14.15 Legislative provisions and enforcement for the prevention and control of avian influenza

An outline on the legislative provisions and enforcement measures that is available to reduce the risk of HPAI spreading in the country.

Speaker: En Zaharinan bin Abd Aziz, Enforcement, DVS

14.15 – 14.45 Preventive measures for risk reduction of bird flu entering the country

An outline on the policies and measures that are necessary for risk mitigation on the introduction of bird flu virus into the country.

Speaker: Dr Sabariah bt Ismail, Kuarantin, DVS

14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break

15.00 – 15.30 Keeping Bird Flu out of your Farm and Poultry Flock
A discussion on the key measures to prevent the entry of bird flu virus into local commercial poultry farms.
Speaker: Dr Norlida, Dept of Veterinary Services

15.30 – 16.00 Panel Discussion II followed by Q & A

(Malaysia’s capacity to manage an HPAI epidemic in commercial poultry farms in the country, consequences and suggestions for the way forward).
Panelists: Speakers from Plenary Session II

Moderator: Datuk Jeffrey Ng, President, FLFAM