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Dumping chicks & Incentives

We, too are deprived of the much needed incentive proposed and dispensed since mid 2008……The escalation of raw material prices in relations to the sky rocketed fuel prices mid 2008 has seen the livestock industry in Malaysia, if not globally scuttering for reliefs. The Malaysian government came forward and proposed some form of incentives to elevate the plight faced by the community.

Initially, all livestock components are to be given some monetary incentives calculated on productivity. Whilst all other sectors like layer, pig, duck, cattle, puyu, small broiler farm holder (less than 20,000) & others are dispensed with the much needed assistance, the larger broiler farms are left out. No other reason other than it will “cost the Government too much” is given. Since then, the Association has relentlessly engaged in diplomatic appeals for the Government to have a heart for the larger farms. It is as if there is a penalty meted out for the larger farms that produce more food for the nation. Surely, this is not one signal we should be sending out at all.

However, there is a tiny group of farmers (not related to the Association) in the southern state of Johore who took a more bizzare form of protest in dumping chicks at the premise of the state veterinary authority. Yes, we understand their predicament even though they are no part of us. Yes, they are like us who felt marginalized because we were left out. But, NO to their demeanor of dumping chicks.

The dumping of chicks is a sure form of cruelty to animals. We cannot allow and will not conform to such a callous action. The chicks will later become our source of livelihood- fully grown chickens. How can they destroy the very source of our livelihood? The chinese saying goes… when drinking from the well, remember the well digger.

The good Minister of Agriculture & Agro-based Industry let the recalcitrant farmers off lightly knowing there is an ordinance of “Animal Ordinance 1953” on cruelty to animals in his recent press statement.

It is well to note the end may not necessary justify by the means. As said, they belong to only a small group and their farms are stocked up to the tilt, so much for their threats of boycot. As the rest of the country produces 95% of the national output will increase the numbers to ensure sufficiency this coming Raya & Deepavali festivals.

On one final note: we still appeal to the Government not to marginalize us. We are after all your citizens, contributing to the well- being of the nation where needed. Please do what is needful in the fulfilment of the concept. 1Malaysia: People first; Performance Now.