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Locally produced chickens and eggs are safe to be consumed

Date: 8th November 2005


Locally produced chickens and eggs are safe to be consumed

On behalf of the poultry industry, I, Datuk Francis Lau T.N., President of the Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia (FLFAM) would like to assure the consumers that Malaysia continues to be free from the highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) virus infection. We are working very closely and giving full support to the Department of Veterinary Services and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries to monitor and maintain a high degree of vigilance against possible incursion. The industry is in full agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries that the situation is best dealt with in an open and transparent manner.

Many people may not be aware that the poultry industry exports large quantities of live broiler chickens and fresh table eggs to Singapore on a daily basis. The exports are subjected to very stringent quality controls and monitoring by the Singapore Veterinary Authorities. The industry has been able to fulfill the high standards set for freedom from infections and residues by the Singapore Authorities. The fact that exports of poultry and poultry products to Singapore continue to be allowed to take place, in the current situation, is an indication of the confidence of the Singapore Authorities on the ability of the Malaysian Authorities and the local poultry industry to ensure that the products are wholesome and safe for consumption by their citizens.

The industry is very concerned over the continued occurrence of the bird flu disease in many parts of Asia especially in our neighboring countries. The industry has been on the highest alert since the outbreak was first declared in Thailand in early 2004. We have increased the bio-security practices in the farms for increased protection. We have also remained in close touch with the Government Authorities to ensure our continued freedom from the disease. This is not just to ensure the well being of an industry with more than 5 Billion Ringgit in sales every year but more so to ensure the safety of the consumers that we have supplied with locally produced wholesome food at reasonable prices for the last fifty years.

We would like to assure the public that the locally produced chickens and eggs are safe to be consumed. We would also like to appeal to the government to take stern action on those who smuggled chicken and chicken products into Malaysia.








