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C Our Future – Embrace Chicken and Eggs to Break the Cycle of Child Stunting

This event is a joint effort between Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia (FLFAM) and Ceva Animal Health Malaysia together with poultry producers in Malaysia to add values to hopefully improve the well-being of our children, who represents our future.

This is a charity event whereby donation will be made for non-profit organization, SUKA Society (SUKA Society or Persatuan Kebajikan Suara Kanak-kanak Malaysia is a registered Non Governmental Organization (ROS: 2504-10-SEL) set up to protect and to preserve the best interests of children together with public crowd collectively).

For your information, this mall is having an average of 2 million visitors per month
(60,000-80,000 visitor per day).

Please see the details of the event as follows:
Title of Event: C Our Future – Embrace Chicken and Eggs to Break the Cycle of Child Stunting
Venue and Time of Event: IOI City Mall, Putrajaya on 30th November 2019

Tentative Programme/Agenda:
10.00am Welcome speech by MC
10.05am Starting up of floor activities (Children games) – chicken costume
10.35am Introductory presentation by Ceva (1) – by MC
10.45am Starting of stage activities (distribution of goody bags)
11.45am 2nd session of children games
12.30pm 2nd session of stage activities (distribution of goody bags)
1.15pm 3rd session of children games
2.00pm Arrival of DG
2.05pm Introductory presentation by Ceva (2) – by MC
2.30pm Speech by DG
3.00pm Introduction of DG to all the sponsor booths
3.30pm 3rd session of stage activities (distribution of goody bags)
4.15pm 4th session of children games
5.00pm Dismiss
*Food sampling booths – 10.00 am- 5.00 pm


Event Description:
There is 1 in every 5 children in Malaysia suffers from growth stunting. Stunting does not only cause negative impacts on physical growth but also their cognitive development.

Hence, stunted children are more likely to perform weaker at schools and at work when they grow up and this, unfortunately, perpetuates the problem thus continues the cycle in their next generation. The issue seems too big to be tackled, but the good news is that we do not necessarily need to improve their socioeconomic status before we can help with the issue.

Studies have shown that, essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) play a vital role and sufficient consumption can alleviate stunting. These essential amino acids cannot be generated by our bodies, hence must come from food.

Chicken and eggs are rich in these essential amino acids and most importantly, they are relatively affordable (especially eggs)! Other than being a great protein source, they also contain numerous nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Therefore they are one of the best food sources to combat the issue of child stunting.

In this event, we would like to raise public awareness on this issue while promote the importance and affordability of chicken and eggs in children’s growth and development.

There will be a stage and 6 stalls for poultry food sampling consisted of local producers, concurrently to promote their products and company image in the young generation market. We are grateful if poultry company could kindly sponsor and take part in one of poultry sampling stall (Please refer to the sponsorship package on the reply slip). We are pleased to receive your kind sponsorship confirmation by fill in the attached reply slip.

Your kind sponsorship is much appreciated. Thank you