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BOOK LAUNCHING EVENT “Swine Disease in Asia- A Practitioner’s Book”


“Swine Disease in Asia- A Practitioner’s Book”

ORGANISER:Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn Bhd

DATE:27th March 2019 (Wednesday)
TIME:9.00am- 1.30pm
VENUE: Auditorium, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM


The aim of this book is to provide an easy, readable guide to pig diseases for pig practitioners, veterinary students and pig farmers especially in Asia. To meet the needs of the target audience, emphasis has been placed throughout on diagnostic trouble-shooting and problem-solving, consistent with the ability of the Asian pig farmer as well as the economics of the local situation. This book is added new knowledge about similar epidemiology and pig health problems in Asia region which is including of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and China compared to earlier version with the title “A Guide to Pig Diseases in Malaysia”.

The chapters in the book are organized such that, for ease of reference, diseases are classified according to those that affect predominantly the age groups and the clinical syndrome under which they commonly occur, followed by vaccine information, control and prevention of pig diseases and pig health problems related to mycotoxins. Although it is customary and convenient to classify diseases according to aetiology such as diseases of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and so forth, such classifications are often not user-friendly to the practitioner as one that group together diseases that share a common syndrome or primary complaint.

To improve on the understanding of pig diseases, large numbers of pictures were added in this book for better value of visual aids. The reason for including these pictures is that people who are not trained pathologists may have difficulty recognizing characteristics of lesions in both live animals and gross specimens from purely written descriptions and non-technical people. This book provides comprehensive information of pig diseases occurring in Asia region and it is an outstanding reference to anyone associated with pig health, especially pig practitioners, veterinary students and pig farmers.

The book is available for orders at the Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. website ( for RM388.99 for retail and RM349.99 for early bird (purchase before 29/9/2019). Early bird will also get a FREE gift- 16GB USB drive.


0900-1000: Registration & refreshment

1000-1015: Welcome speech by Dr Lim Ban Keong (Managing Director of Rhone Ma Malaysia Sdn Bhd)

1015-1030: Speech by Yang BahagiaDato’ Dr QuazaNizamuddin Bin Hassan Nizam (Director General of Veterinary Services Malaysia)

1030-1035: Book launching ceremony

1035-1045: Speech by Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Hair Bejo (Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM)

1045-1055: Speech by Datuk Jeffrey Ng Choon Ngee (President of Federal of Livestock Farmers’ Association of Malaysia)

1055-1100: Speech by Dr Henry Too

1100-1200: Technical session- ‘African Swine Fever in Asia’, by Dr Henry Too

1200-1230: Autograph session by Dr. Henry Too

1230-1330: Lunch

Click to request preview & order:

Download Dr Henry’s presentation slide of ‘African Swine Fever in Asia’: