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MyGAP and MyOrganic Seminar

MyGAP and MyOrganic Seminar
15 May 2016

In conjunction with the World Veterinary Day, the Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia (DVS)had successfully organised MyGAP and MyOrganic Seminar at the Department of Veterinary Services Complex, Bandar Baharu Uda, JB on 15 May 2016. Packaged in the programme, there was also the DVS certification scheme (MyGAP, VHM & GVHP)appreciation and certificatepresenting ceremony, officiated by the Director-General of DVS. About 350 people attended the Veterinary Day programme, of which 78 participated in the MyGAP and MyOrganic Seminar and 17 company representatives from various livestock sub-sectors and animal-based processing plants receivedvarious certificates and appreciation plagues for their participation in the DVS Certification Schemes. To make the programme complete, the DVS also set up exhibition booths and advisory services.

For this MyGAP/MyOrganicseminar too, the first one for this year being in Melaka held on 25 April, the FLFAM was involved in the invitation of farmers and professionals and the President, Mr Jeffrey Ng, participated as one of the two presenters with the title of “MyGAP Dari PerspektifIndustriTernakan: Apa, Kenapa, BiladanBagaimana?” and Associate Professor Dr Azhar bin Kasim, of Animal Science Department, UPM presented on Facilitation of Organic Poultry Farming in Malaysia (Mempermudahkan Peladangan Poltri Secara Organik Di Malaysia).

Assoc Prof Dr Azhar presenting his paper on MyOrganic.
Mr Jeffrey Ng, the FLFAM President, Presentingon MyGAP