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2016年中国(深圳) — 马来西亚(吉隆坡) 经贸合作交流会(26-5-2016)by KLSCCCI

2016年中国(深圳) — 马来西亚(吉隆坡) 经贸合作交流会(26-5-2016)

为了贯彻落实“一带一路”合作发展战略,以及促进中国深圳市和马来西亚企业间的经贸交流与合作,吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会(隆雪中总)和中国深圳市经济贸易和信息化委员会将于2016年5月26日(星期四)下午2时30分假吉隆坡洲际酒店2楼宴会厅(Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel)举办“2016年中国(深圳)— 马来西亚(吉隆坡)经贸合作交流会”,广东省委副书记、深圳市委书记马兴瑞书记将亲临并致词。支持单位为中华人民共和国驻马来西亚大使馆、马来西亚-中国商务理事会及马来西亚中华总商会。详情如下:

日期 : 2016年5月26日(星期四)
时间 : 下午2时30分至下午5时30分
地点 : 吉隆坡洲际酒店2楼宴会厅
Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel
165, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.



兹附上暂定节目表、深圳市企业列表和报名表格供参阅。入场免费,有兴趣者请于2016年5月13日(星期五)前填具报名表格呈交本会秘书处。若有任何询问,请联络秘书处郭嘉明小姐或许国仕先生,电话:03-4253 2135;传真:03-4253 2524;电邮。





China (Shenzhen) – Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference 2016 (26-5-2016)

In order to implement the “One Belt and One Road” development strategy and promote the trade and economic relationship and cooperation between China Shenzhen Municipality and Malaysia, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) in collaboration with Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen Municipality will organise the “China (Shenzhen)- Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference” on 26th May 2016 (Thursday), 2.30 p.m. at the Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel. This Conference is supported by Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Malaysia-China Business Council and the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM). Details are as follows:

Date : 26th May 2016 (Thursday)
Time : 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Level 2, Grand Ballroom of InterContinental Hotel
165, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Free Admission

A delegation with total of 21 enterprises from Shenzhen City, led by Mr. Jia Xingdong, Deputy Director General of Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen Municipality will participate in this Conference. The participating enterprises are diversified, including cross-border E-commerce, logistics and energy equipment supplier, nuclear technology, communication industry, medical supplies, construction industry, marine organisms technology, logistics service providers and financial services. They are interested to establish relationship and cooperation with local industries and businesses.

The programme of Conference will include business matching, “Go Global” business forum, Shenzhen- Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation Signing Ceremony, and also introduction of economic development, trade & investment and international cooperation of Shenzhen, China. Simultaneous interpretation service will be provided for conference.

Enclosed herewith the tentative programme, list of enterprises and registration form for your reference. Admission is free, interested members please submit the duly completed registration form to the Secretariat latest by 13th May 2016 (Friday) to facilitate arrangements. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Koay or Mr. Koh of the Secretariat at Tel : 03-4253 2135; Fax : 03-4253 2524; e-mail :

Thank you.
